In the spirit of Merdeka... NOT!
You see, I am a permanent resident of the library. You are a citizen. And SM... She is a patriot."
- Richard.
Keranamu, Perpustakaan.
Like KenJ, I think I should quit blogging and go back to studying.
R - Rifampicin
E - Ethambutol
S - Streptomycin
P - Pyrazinamide
I - Isoniazid
"Drugs are not the only treatment available for tuberculosis. In cases where tuberculosis does not respond to drugs, the lung can be surgically removed."
At which point Dr. Thani quickly interjected, "Not the whole lung, surely?"
"No, not the whole lung. Just a section."
"Good, good. Because I was worried you were talking about the whole lung."
Type 1 Respiratory Failure
PaO2 is lower than normal. (Normal = 100mmHg)
PaCO2 is normal, or slightly lower than normal.
(Normal = 40mmHg)
Type 2 Respiratory failure
PaO2 is lower than normal.
PaCO2 is higher than normal.
And Type 3 Respiratory failure
Marks are lower than passing mark. (Passing mark = 65%)
(Concluding his presentation on tonsillectomy)
"So, if you want to prevent yourself from getting tonsillitis, the easiest way is to just cut your tonsils off."
"As there is a Ping, there is a Pong. As there are guys representing M2/03, so are girls needed to represent our batch, too. So, all you female table tennis players out there, blow the dust of those bats (Make sure you don't inhale the dust, though. You wouldn't want to end up with asthma, lung carcinoma, etc.) and come train for IMU Cup, Thursdays at Cinta Ria."
Now, onto the real subject of today's post:
For some reason, when I saw this picture, I was curiously reminded of Saw & KenJ. In no possible way do I ever want to see you guys in togas, though...
This is why they should give us money. For the RM25 they reimburse us, this trip is now gonna cost me RM400. What if something happened to us, like if we knocked the truck? If we were using the IMU school bus, it would not matter so much because at least we'd be covered by IMU. But this car is private property. How're they going to cover us? IMU just doesn't think of these things...