10 Minutes Late, Or 50 Minutes Early?
Monday last week, I turn up almost an hour late for tutorial. Monday this week, and I’m almost an hour early. A truly bizarre anomaly. After ruling out laziness, and technical issues with my alarm clock of a handphone, I set out in search of an answer. I conducted a mini research task with a team of one. I also had enough on the budget for a bag of chips and a bottle of coke.
Eventually, I happened upon this article on daylight saving time. PMS students take note. On further investigation, I also found one of Benjamin
Conclusion: Readjust all clocks back by 1 hour.
Additionally, my success in elucidating the primary cause of this mystery prompts me to believe I’m good at information search. I’m not exceptional, but I can make do with what I have. Yet maybe we as medical students don’t give it the amount of attention it deserves, if you consider how important it is, especially for the forseeable future. I think it’s just about knowing what to look for, where to look for it, and trying to make sense of the stuff you do find. Being able to interpret the more technical data means it’s essentially more reliable (though maybe less essential), and you’ll save yourself the time you spent looking for a dumbed down version.
Basically, it means you regulate your own productivity, whilst attempting to achieve goals set by your superiors, which in turn involves submission of periodic progress reports, or perhaps other forms of proof that justifiably deny you’re simply monkeying around. On a higher level, this means you get to eat, sleep, play and (heaven forbid) work, as and when you please.
Instantaneously, I was captivated by this concept.
Today.. No.. Actually since I got here, I’ve been able to run a trial in an attempt to prove a point. To fortify a creed that has been ingrained upon those who have been so fortunate to have graced the Internationally-acclaimed (or so they claim)
Structured Independent.. Learning At Home! Otherwise known as SILAH, (pronounced see lah, like when you say “har, har, you see lah you”, and you HAVE to say it like that because I made it up) and it works just like how any “does what it says on the tin” tin does.
As the pioneer of SILAH, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Anyways the main objective is to determine the viability of SILAH as a means of getting through this semester, which feels like last semester, which as a result, makes me feel like I’m going in circles whilst all other M203ians seem to be going forward, or in a downward spiral due to excessive vegetation. Naturally, forwards is the trend I hope to observe.
Phase I of the trial involves skipping all Rheumatology week’s lectures and studying at home. Then finally I go for Friday tutorials (aka PBL 2) and see how badly I screw up. The task force is made up of the one and only, numero uno, me, and some other people that randomly turn out to contribute inadvertently. Activities in the trial: Reading up on random online Rheumatology stuff that I think might be important, and discussion of relevant case studies with 2 or less (usually less) other people, such as KReatz. For all intents and purposes, and more specifically the purpose of assigning credit, his role is of course not as significant as mine.
I said Friday. Today is Thursday. Time doesn’t travel backwards, unless you’re saving daylight.
1) I accidentally went for 1 lecture. I have a propensity for guilt-related mistakes.
2) Discussion can sometimes go nowhere, or somewhere else. This is all Jo En’s fault.
Depends on the results. Phase II also depends on the results, in addition to how much chips and coke I have left. This really is a work in progress, but at the moment, I feel really invigorated by the freedom I’ve bestowed upon myself. On the other hand, people who don’t go for lectures ALWAYS miss out on something important. So don’t try it. But on the off chance that you do, please feel free to inform me of the results.
Here are some helpful links to get you started:
An overdose of medical cases..
The answer to everything! Seriously..
If you're looking for journals..