Made to look like a fool
Set: Sg Buloh Hospital Surgical ward
Scene: Ward round
Actors: Dr Godzilla: Surgical consultant
Dr tak tau 1: Surgical MO 1
Dr tak tau 2: Surgical MO 2
Tak tau med student: Me
Pt on bed 19: Mr need's surgery
Dr Godzilla: (extends his hand to me) Good morning, are you a medical student?
Me: Yes I am. Doing my electives here.
Dr Godzilla: Ic ic, where are you from? What year are you in?
Me: Oh im from Uni of Queensland, (Wondering if I should subtract my years in med school, so that i have a reason to appear like an idiot....decided not to...), im in 4th year.
Dr Godzilla: Oh good good, so tell me what this pt has?
Me: ....well the patient appears to have varicose veins...? (wondering what the hell is he doing under the general surg team....)
Dr Godzilla: ya, so what causes primary varicose veins?
Me: (heart rate increasing), erm...its due to valvular insufficency of the veins or perforator vein incompetence causing retrograde blood flow in the superficial veins?
Dr Godzilla: ok, do you know what test to differentiate the two?
Me: (shit!!!)....erm, I remember you use a torniquet on different levels?something like tat?
Dr GOdzilla: What is it called?
Me: ......(looking pleadingly at the MO's to bail me out)...........
Dr Godzilla: Its called the brodie_trendelenburg test
Me: oh....
Dr GOdzilla: you know how to do it?
Me: .......No. (hell i dunno even know the name how would i know how to do it?)
Dr Godzilla: (looking at his other MO's) ok Surgical MO 1, go get a torniquet and do it
Surgical MO 1: (runs to get torniquet)...(returns)...(looks blur)
Dr Godzilla: Go ahead
Surgical MO 1: (puts torniquet at random spot)...
Dr GOdzilla: Nope
Surgical MO 1: (chooses another random spot)...
Dr Godzilla: Nope
Surgical MO 1: (chooses yet another random spot)...
Dr Godzilla: you know what you are doing?
Surgical MO 1: (looks sheepishly at him)....
Dr GOdzilla: (snatched the torniquet and shows how it is done)
After leaving the bedside
Dr Godzilla: So can anyone explain what happenes when we do the test?
Idiots: ........(desperately avoiding eye contact).....
Dr Godzilla: (shakes his head)....ohhhkay... can anyone tell me the location of the valves in the long saphenous veins?
Me: (I tot they were located along all the veins? There was a specific location??!!)...(keeps mouth shut)
Dr Godzilla: (looks at me) EXPECT you to know this
Me: (feeling like the biggest fool)...No...
Dr Godzilla: (shakes his head even more)...go home and read up about it...walks away saying "bad bad bad..."
Idiots: (walks in different directions...feeling like the biggest fools ever)
Haih, they sure know how to make you feel like an idiot...
(to those of us who are less informed about the intricate details about the location of the valves, there is actually is a specific distribution and not randomized as my idiot brain once thought...its generally located distally in your calf, only 1 or 2 valves are above the knee, so there you go...veins 101=P)